ARAUCO ‧ Schmuck ‧ Kunst ‧ Wein



Vino de Bar, Marselan, unfiltriert


Art.-Nr. 109-58052

€ 23.00
Ab 6 Fl. € 22
(Preis/l € 30.67)

(inkl. MwSt. D) zzgl. Versandkosten


Vino de Bar, Marselan, unfiltriert

Der wenig bekannte Marselan ist eine junge Rebsorte, die durch Kreuzung von Cabernet-Sauvignon und Grenache entstanden ist und somit die Vor­züge/Merkmale beider Rebsorten vereint. Diese französische Rebsorte ist ursprünglich vor allem in der Gegend zwischen Nimes und den Pyre­näen sowie an der Rhône zwischen Montelimar und Avignon verbreitet. Die Beeren sind sehr klein, die Menge des gewonnenen Saftes ist begrenzt. Aus Marselan werden daher farbenintensive, charakteristische Weine von hoher Qualität hergestellt. Sie sind sehr aromatisch und haben eine sehr interessante Struktur mit weichen Tanninen ohne Bitterkeit.
Die Farbe zeigt sich in tiefen Rubinrot mit violetten Tönen. Das sehr komplexe Aroma erinnert an reife Beerenfrüchte wie schwarze Johannis­beeren, Himbeeren, Gewürze, gefolgt von Noten nach Pflaumenlikör, kan­dierten Kirschen und einem Hauch Vanille.
Am Gaumen ausgewogen, geschmeidig, elegant, komplex und flei­schig mit großer Intensität, Länge und Ausdauer. Weiche Tannine mit einem schmackhaften und frischen Abgang betonen den mittleren und köstlichen Körper.



“Vino de Bar” range of wines are for conversation, company and philosophy; in the bar, the restaurant or at home, before and during the meal, also in your (the longer the better) after-dinner time.
These wines invite to talk and discover them. They speak and seek to demystify themselves by communicating with whoever drinks them, so that they have an experience on an emotional level. They have the social task of establishing wine as a popular and enjoyable drink.

Wine Name: Pisano Vino de Bar Marselan
Producer: Bodega Familia Pisano (Daniel, Eduardo and Gustavo Pisano Arretxea)
Country of Origin: Uruguay
Region: City of Progreso, Department of Canelones
Total area of vineyards: 30 hectares
Varieties: Marselan 100%
Soil: Clay - Calcareous
Climate: Temperate Cool
Aging: 5 to 6 months in Stainless steel tanks
Variety Profile
The little-known Marselan is a recent grape variety obtained by crosspollination of Cabernet-Sauvignon and Grenache, thus it combines the strengths of both grapes. This French grape is primarily concentrated in the area between Nimes and the Pyrenees and the river valley between Montelimar and Avignon.
The berries are very small, the quantity of juice produced is limited. Marselan is thus used to make colorful, characteristic wines of high quality. They are strongly aromatic and have a very interesting structure that features soft tannins without bitterness, enabling them to age for some time.

Our unique and most prestigious Marselan. Pride of our Family and made with “Pisano style", in which the Uruguayan Terroir land leaves its evident imprint. It combines the unmistakable ripeness of the New World with the elegance and typicity of the Old World, characteristic of the best years in its terroir of origin. Pioneer of the few cultivated in Uruguay.

Color: Deep ruby with violet overtones.
Aroma: Very complex. Ripe fruit, reminiscent of blackcurrant, raspberry, spices. Plum liqueur, candied cherries; with a subtle hint of vanilla.
Flavor: Fruity and Structured. Balanced on the palate, unctuous, elegant, complex and fleshy. Great intensity, length and persistence. Medium and delicious body. Soft tannins with a tasty and fresh finish.

Ideal to enjoy with hams & sausages, pizza, pasta with pomarola sauce, chicken & duck, grilled red meats, also sautéed with vegetables, some game stews. Delicious with pork casseroles with chorizo, beans and potatoes. Risottos and soft cheeses. Serve between 16º and 18º C.

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